Establishing a central Portfolio/PMO capability
Client name
CVC portfolio co MOTOLondon, Toddington, UK
Length of EA assignment
9 months
Number of EA Consultants provisioned
2.5 FTE

BCG had been engaged by the Board to help develop the businesses strategic roadmap.
The executive wanted to translate this into an achievable portfolio plan, with defined objectives, targets, and suitable controls in place that enabled delivery. EA were commissioned to design and develop products, processes, and change management capabilities under a new PMO framework.
From day 1, EA engaged with the CEO and his Exco, both to agree on expectations and more importantly, determine the measures of success.
Such an approach allowed us to design tools and ways of working that ultimately safeguarded the projects agenda, whilst up-skilling the internal team in the process.
EA embarked on a simple, 3 phased approach, 1) evaluation and coaching, 2) design and build, and 3) implementation and knowledge transfer.
Evaluation and Coaching
EA began with an initial focus on 2 key activities: a) evaluating the existing PMO tools and cultural change activities, and b) embarking on a short but necessary training and coaching process, the latter being deemed valuable for both executives and their delivery teams. In addition, EA proposed that suitable and value-add quick wins were implemented during this phase, e.g., light touch reporting of status and or implementation of a governance forum. EA also set about supporting the executive with prioritization activities in refining the ‘list’ of projects (scope).
Design and Build
EA (with support and collaboration from MOTO), factored in findings from Phase 1 and overlaid these into the design and production of tools and processes for the new PMO. Priority was applied to the areas deemed most valuable. EA produced a PMO playbook, which became the legacy toolkit for strategic projects at MOTO. The document incorporated all artefacts deemed relevant and of value to key functions/personnel, noting relation to the then defined strategic projects list. The Playbook/toolkit covered plan management, risk and issue management, governance and control/decision making, a prioritization matrix, capacity planning and financial reporting/escalations. EAs Senior Managing Partner also engaged directly with the CEO and his key direct reports, both to coach/guide on the intent of the PMO, but also in an OD advisory capacity for strategic change.
Implementation and Knowledge Transfer
Whilst elements of implementation occurred throughout, the launch of all required remaining processes and tools took place during this phase. Having engaged directly with delivery teams throughout, all relevant MOTO personnel were now increasingly aware of the PMO tools and the value each would bring. During roll-out, these resources worked closely with the EA team as the tools begun to be embedded across the organization. EA worked closely with the business during this phase, providing guidance and delivery support and taking all necessary steps to train/advise and provide knowledge transfer as required. EA also helped MOTO define their to-be PMO organization and supported/advised on the build of the job specs required for the PMO end-state org.
Result / Impact
Increased CertaintyFrom Exco to Analyst, the strategic projects agenda was known, with tier 1 (high profile) projects known by name and critical milestones and dependencies documented
Enhanced ControlsThe PMO playbook and associated new processes helped deliver transparency on the projects agenda. Risks were under active management control and more conversations were being formed around the numbers
Organisational MaturityInternal delivery teams began to glean value from new ways of working, our processes helped to develop a stronger, more equipped project community. Flipping the switch from a ‘reporting bad news’ on projects, to knowing when to proactively ‘seek assistance’ on remediation was a significant cultural change improvement
Decision MakingTimely, underpinned KPIs and Data helped Exco make better informed decisions on projects, including pausing, accelerating, and even stopping in-flight initiatives where value wasn’t sufficiently apparent – Our work reduced the long tail of projects, which always affected capacity

Selected Projects

0.1 Advisory
Navigating Regulatory Compliance
Our client, Brakes Group (part of SYSCO), lacked the specialist European regulatory experience necessary to deliver the required changes related to GDPR, and with limited knowledge of regulatory change, and a lack of standardised processes, they needed external support.

0.2 Transformation
Establishing a new strategic delivery office capability
Our client, Vocalink (a Mastercard Co.), wanted to get control of their change portfolio, ultimately with the objective of understanding priorities, financials, capacity, capability and whether risks were truly under active management control. EA were brought in to help support.